2016 Achievement Award: Jeremy Ensz

We are so proud of Jeremy and the life change he has made. It has been incredible to watch his transformation over this past year and how committed had has been all on his own. He is a great example to anyone wanting to make a change. Consistent hard work pays off and Jeremy is proof of that.

From Jeremy…

I first started going to Body Language two years ago after realizing that my weight was getting out of control and seeing how much my wife, Jenna, liked going.  At that time, I was hitting 235 lbs. and hadn’t been to a gym since high school.

I had always made the excuse that I didn’t have time to work out – it certainly wasn’t convenient.  I like to be at work at 6 AM and I like to be home in the evenings as that’s the only time I can see our kids.  Haley and her gym solved those issues for me – it’s open at 4:30 AM, it’s right on the way to work, and there’s a shower.  Once I got used to the 4 AM alarm, the rest was relatively easy.

I started slow on the elliptical, just trying to get to 60 minutes during the first month.  I started seeing results pretty quick and it encouraged me to move on to weights, the treadmill, and boot camp.  Combined with eating a little better and drinking a little less, I was shocked at how quickly I dropped the first 20 lbs.

For a while, I was recording every calorie, every run, and every weight lifted.  Having never been in shape my whole life, it was really rewarding early on to see progress and set new personal records.  At the time, trying to go that extra quarter mile or lifting an extra 5 lbs. was very motivating.  I remember last April when I ran 3 miles for the first time in my life without stopping.  Earlier this year, I was able to do my first pull up.  I know these may not seem like monumental feats to a lot of people, but they’re something I would have never imagined being able to do 5, 10, or even 15 years ago.

Looking back, it’s crazy how much has changed.  I’m down 35 lbs.  My cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart rate all went from the really bad end of the spectrum to the really good end.  The first day I got on a treadmill at Body Language, I had to stop and walk every 2 minutes.  One of my goals for 2015 was to be able to run 3 miles in 36 minutes  – by the end of the year it was pretty typical for me to run 4 miles in that time.  My goal for 2016 was to run 1,000 miles – I reached that in September.  Last month, I ran my first half marathon.  This very morning, I ran the fastest mile of my life (granted, it was on the treadmill, but I’m counting it!).

I’m 37 and in the best shape of my life.  By far.  A couple of months ago, I saw the scale read less than 200 lbs. for the first time since high school.  I’m no longer tracking everything I do.  I feel like my fitness journey has become less about motivation and more about discipline and routine.  It’s just part of my life now.  I work out when I travel for my job, I work out when I don’t feel good, and I’ve even gone running on vacation.  I actually look forward to it.  Nearly every day for me starts at Body Language and regardless of how I feel when I walk in, I feel better when I walk out.

I’m really thankful for Haley and the other trainers, for the classes and encouragement.  There are a lot of really great people at this gym – I find a ton of inspiration from the other early risers.  Together, they’ve made this gym into exactly what I needed when I needed it.  I’m excited to keep coming back.  I still have a few more goals on my list… – Jeremy Ensz

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